By replacing the points and condenser with our electronic ignition kit which is fitted in this distributor you will notice the difference as soon as you turn the key.
So for those of you wishing to retain the original look in your engine bay you can grab this electronic distributor because all of the unit is contained inside the distributor and only two wires are needed to connect it to your ignition system. Our parts are specifically designed to ensure you are getting what your car needs and therefore you get durable quality parts that have been tested for use over 80,000 miles.
Later models are fitted with a new type of distributor, having high-lift cams. Owing to the shape of these cams the contact breaker gap must be set to •014 in. to •016 in. (•36 mm. to •41 mm.),
Previous distributor cams were of two types-symmetric and asymmetric, and both of these types necessitated a contact breaker gap of •010 in. to •012 in. (•25 mm. to •30 mm.).
The wider gap of the high-lift cam, together with the steep angle of the cam face, gives more accurate ignition timing and controls pitting and piling action which limits useful contact life.
When setting contact gaps with the high-lift cam more care is needed when checking that the fibre heel is on the highest point of the cam rise, because maximum separation of the contact points is only obtained over a small angular movement of the distributor shaft.
All three types of cam are illustrated in Fig. C.20.
Apart from the appearance of the cams, distributors fitted with high-lift cams can be identified by reference to the suffix letter which follows the Service No. Distributors bearing the suffix "E" or any letter subsequent to "E" after the Service No. 40162 are fitted with high-lift cams, and those with suffix letters previous to “ E “ are of the symmetric or asymmetric type.